Our Services

-Site Master Plan & Reports, Bulk Earthworks Plans
-Cut & Fill Volumes to balance site earthworks
-Golf Course Design Plans (1:500 & 1:200)
-Engineering Drainage Plans for the Golf Course
-Landscape Design Plans
-Grassing Plans
-Full Technical Specifications for Golf Course Construction
Care & Consulting from engagement to opening day.
You likely know your existing Golf Course a lot better than we do, however we have the experience over 35 years in how to maximize the full potential of the golf and make it sustainable and fun to play.
Working together as a team, we review all aspects of the Course and develop a time based plan to maximize potential whilst minimizing disruption to the golfers, all within an agreed budget over an agreed time frame.
PCD Golf Architects have been involved in Feasibility studies, Safety studies, Land evaluation, Construction monitoring and Marketing.
PCD Golf Architects have designed and monitored development of Mini Golf Courses in Asia and Australia.